Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Friday

Three rejections of the faerie novel in my inbox this week. One rejection letter was a nice one! It encouraged me to keep shopping the novel around even though it wasn't right for their agency. It was a personal touch that made the rejection a little less painful. I entered the ABNA this week and sent off a short story. I am determined, or tenacious or maybe just stubborn when it comes to sending stuff out.
I am working on my Arthurian inspired novel and am up to 20,000 words on it so far. I like it. The characters seem to be going off in directions that I did not anticipate! A very good thing.
I cannot believe it's coming up on February already! Oh, I came across a singer from Ann Arbor named Jetty Rae that I adore! She has a fantastic voice.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Goodbye Mr. Chips

I just watched the 1939 version with Greer Garson in it. It was good and the makeup was very well done as Mr. Chipps aged. I have to say I like the Peter O'Toole/Petula Clark version the best. I remember when I was younger thinking that I would like to live a life where I had no regrets. I know I've written about this before but I do regret not pursuing a Ph.D in English. I envision myself teaching in a small liberal arts college in either Northern California or on the northern east coast of the US. Teaching eager students yearning to partake of my knowledge of writing...well, it is a dream after all! LOL. Anyway one of the most important characteristics anyone can have is hope and hope leads to dreams. As long as those dreams are not based in delusions (i.e. I will never be an astrophysicist no matter how much I want to be one), to have dreams is to have hope.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Makes a Writer Keep Going?

I have had a discouraging day. Nothing in particular happened I just felt drained and unmotivated. I tried to write on a historical YA novel I am working on but only got two pages done. I did edit the next chapter in JESSIE and applied for an online tutoring job but still felt discouraged. I am still in pain from the back injury and am trying to keep a positive attitude but it's almost been a month now and although I am better overall I still have pain and cannot do much without paying for it. I feel like I am spinning my wheels or rather my wheels are stuck in mud and I can't drive out of the mud. Part of the problem is that I am not sleeping well due to pain at night. Sometimes I get up at 3 or 4 in the morning and take pain meds and read until I feel sleepy again. Last night I woke at four, read a bit, then woke up at six. I tried to go back to sleep but had to get up and take pain pills. By then I was awake and the cats were too. I hope that tomorrow I will be able to concentrate more and get some writing done. I looked at AINE on Kindle and think I might put another up when I get another one done that is!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New eBook coming out!

I went back and forth on this but this particular story is too short for a novel and a bit too long for a novella so I thought I'd try putting it up on Kindle. I have to say I'm happy with the process but it took me two hours to figure it out. I'm not as technologically inclined as I wished I was. The only problem is that it came out single spaced instead of double and I am not sure what happened since the original document was double spaced. Oh well. If anyone is interested it's called Aine and it's a YA magical realism novella.

I am in the process of editing my murder mystery for the publisher. I finished chapter one, well, I think I finished it and sent it in. I have to keep my inner critic at bay and bribe her with treats in order to make her SHUT UP! I read a blog that more writers need to shut up and listen and I am trying to do that.

I am continuing to find agents to send my faerie novel queries to. I found two more this morning that look interesting, oops one is for my YA historical fiction novel, my bad.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Editing is a Process

I have the next few weeks off of work. A blessing in disguise. The pain has lessened so that's a plus. I am starting my edit on the mystery novel that has been accepted by a publisher. I send in a synopsis and a partial to an agent who requested my faerie novel. Fingers crossed. I am also working on a steampunk Shakespeare (I realized I spelled it wrong in a previous blog) story. I finished one based on Midsummer's Night Dream and this one is based on Macbeth, my other favorite play.
I hope to get much more writing done as I recover.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I was thinking about regrets yesterday. If your life is a timeline and I examine the timeline when I was in my twenties I wonder about "the road not taken." If I wouldve stayed in New York what would have happened? If I stayed in LA what then? If I didn't get married then I wouldn't have my kids and I would regret that but I regret the marriage. I remember as a young child when an adult would ask me what I wanted to do when I "grew up" and I would say "actress or writer" (okay for a while there I would say ballerina.) I was a theatre major in college and knew I wanted to make a career of it. Then...I stopped acting. I decided to be a teacher...I liked teaching but am not teaching now. I am still writing though although I did not make it my full-time career as I had hoped. I regret not following my passion and hope that those reading this follow theirs. Don't look back on your life thinking "what if I had taken that path instead? What then?" I recall reading that someone said if you follow your dream and do what you are passionate about the money will follow. Don't ever compromise your ideals for money. You will be unhappy and bitter. And full of regrets.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trying to Find More Time in the Day

My days seem to slip away from me. I had all these plans to do some writing while I am off work due to back pain issues but instead I find my days not filled with writing as I had planned but filled with trying to banish the pain and subsequent loss of energy from dealing with the pain. If I am not in any pain or in less pain I can sit at the computer and write but if the pain is bad I can't. As soon as I start to feel better I do more hence more pain. *sighs*

I am eagerly awaiting the day my mystery novel is coming my way to be edited (not until Feb. or so I am told). Maybe this is a blessing because I hope to be in less pain by then. I haven't heard about my romance novel yet either. Hopefully they won't have to be edited at the same time!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Reads on Twitter

I am always amazed at how many different books are mentioned during the Friday Reads on Twitter and Facebook. I hesitate to put down my cozy mysteries that I am always reading for fun. I tend to read a lot and fast, I read two to three novels a week and could read more if I took the time to read and not be on my computer. LOL. I want to read Bonestalker next. I am going to put it on my iPhone Kindle. I prefer the feel of books but since I read right before bed I like my iPhone better. The other morning I woke up with my iPhone plastered to my face! I feel asleep reading (again). I had the outline of a square on my cheek for a while that morning. Ah the joys of iPhone reading.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Steampunk Shakespere Draft is done!

I decided to do a first draft of a short story for the steampunk Shakespere contest. Mine is based on Midsummer's Night Dream with robots. LOL. I will edit it and then send it in and keep my fingers crossed!
I started one beginning but didn't like it so I deleted it and started it again. Then I deleted that one and began again for the third time. My style of writing is to get it all down at once and then go back and edit it. It was easier than I thought since I was using the basic story line from William S. Anyone see the Dr. Who episode where he and Martha go back in time? It was called The Shakespere Code and it was very good. Anyway, I am continuing on with writing and trying not to let the pain in my back/leg get in the way of my creativity.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

MFA or Not?

I have been looking at posts on various blogs about the benefits/disadvantages of getting an MFA. I have been turned down twice at one university and three times at another. I know I can write, that is not the problem. The problem is unless my name is Francesa Lia Block or Stephen King without a MFA I cannot teach creative writing. Why are there so few online MFA programs? It seems to me that an online MFA program (I only found one at National University in California) would be perfect for those of us that have to work full time and can't afford to go to a campus even for 10 day residencies.
On the plus side I sent out the faerie novel to a different agent this morning. I already have one rejection from an agent.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Is Self Publishing the Way to Go?

I was thinking about what I want to accomplish as far as my writing goes in 2011 and did write some New Year's Resolutions (see previous blog) but as I ponder my next writing project I wonder if I am not selling myself short by relying on getting a traditional publisher vs. self publishing like on CreateSpace. The downsize to these is not only the money you are putting out but no marketing to speak of. My past two YA novels were done by Publish America (I know, I know) with no marketing at all. I barely sold a handful of one and around ten of the other novel. I did the editing myself and had three book signings. I sent out announcements to the local newspapers (sadly no longer in print) and to the local TV/Radio stations hoping I'd be interviewed. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. So, would I be in the same boat with a self publisher? So many articles I've read say not to self publish and to go to a traditional publisher especially for first time authors but is this the case? I am hoping to find an agent for my faerie novel but what if I don't? Should I put it up on Kindle anyway and hope that someone buys it? Decisions...decisions...decisions.

Is Everyone a Writer?

I am amazed at all the would-be writers "out there." At times I feel as if why should I bother since there is so much competition and at other times I believe that my writing is good and that someone, somewhere might be entertained by it so I keep on. I equate writing to singing. Everyone thinks they can sing (watch American Idol auditions to see this played out) and everyone thinks they have the Great American (or insert your country) novel in them. I know that writing is not just a technical skill but there is an art to it too. You can take all the writing classes you want, get degrees if that's what you want to do but in the end it's a matter of talent, knowing the right people (agents/publishers), persistence and determination. You can't let rejection throw you into a self-pitying frenzy either. Maybe this editor/publisher/agent did not like your piece but maybe someone else will. Listen to your gut/heart and follow your passion! But don't quit your day job just yet.

Steampunk is fun!

I just sent my steampunk story out this morning. I really had fun writing it. I hope it gets picked up by this particular eZine/magazine because it is one that SFWA recognizes as a "qualifying" short story market. Once I get a story published that meets their qualifications I plan on joining that organization.
It's funny but every time I end a story I think that that is it for me, no more ideas will come to me...then I get a brainstorm and an idea and I'm off and writing. You'd think by now I'd recognize that in myself and just keep on going but I'm convinced that I will never write another good story or novel again. One of the things that participating in NaNoWriMo taught me is that you as a writer should silence your inner editor as you are writing. I agree but it is hard to do.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Writing Resolutions

1. To write a little every day even if it's terrible (the day or the writing).
2. Locate agent for 82K book about faeries and humans.
3. Become more immersed in steampunk SWAG.
4. Keep up with my blog more than once a week.
5. Earn more money as a writer.
6. Stop listening to inner editor when that editor tells me I stink.
7. Continue to explore new realms of fiction/fantasy.
8. Read more YA literature.
9. Write more flash fiction (I love writing these).
10. Publish more in 2011.

Is Writing a Vocation or????

I truly believe that writing is a vocation, a calling if you will. I have heeded the call since I was eight years old and self published a book of poetry to give to family as gifts for the holidays. Writing was something that flowed from my soul onto the paper and later the computer. I find that the older I get the more I enjoy writing and find that if I don't write for one day or two I get grumpy! I am the kind of writer that starts with an idea and then begins writing and sees where the characters take me. Sometimes they take me someplace completely new! Other times they meander down a path, get caught in the trees and that's it for them. I am most happy when I am writing and creating a world of characters that live and breathe on the page before me.

The New Year Has Begun!

I finished my steampunk story but it's a bit longer than I anticipated it would be. Ah well. I am sending it out in the next day or two. I enjoyed writing a steampunk story and will probably try another one sometime. The best thing about writing it was putting myself in the Victorian time and loving it!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I can't believe it's 1/1/11 today! I am working a new story called The Wonderful Spectacular Grand Traveling Medicine Show and it's my first attempt at writing a steampunk story. At this point I'm not sure I want to make it into a novel or just a short story. It's not YA though. Hmm...